Thursday, August 26, 2010


At school, we have a Nigerian culture day. On day two, we were informed that we were to have an outfit to wear to the celebration. Today someone had called a fabric vendor to the school…of course being deprived of shopping I had to look. Wonderful prints nothing like we see in the states. I am so excited that Andrew also gets a customary outfit too. The standard Nigerian wear for men is a matching two piece highly patterned tailored shirt and pants. The only equivalent I can think of in the states are high quality pajamas. I really want a quilt out of all of the scraps. As for seeing Andrew and Harper in matching outfits, I can’t wait. As for my own dress, I guess custom is to take a picture from a Nigerian magazine and take it to the tailor. Oh yes, you have a tailor, or will have and as with everything the price is negotiable. You can get an dress or suit made anywhere from $20 to $70…pretty cheap if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I made it into your blog finally! Your entries are surreal and almost dreamy, keep em coming they're amazing! I love the thought and vision of high-quality PJ fashion, got to introduce that to the states...
